This calculator is provided for informational purposes only. You should not make any decisions based simply on the information provided. Values indicated are estimates and may not be accurate and are only to be used as a guide. This calculator should not be relied upon in any way as the sole source of information. Please consult your Mortgage Loan Officer for an accurate assessment of your mortgage payments and any advice relating to your personal circumstances.
The price of the property to be purchased in dollars.
Mortgage term is the length of the mortgage you’re planning. Choose from 30-year fixed or 15-year fixed. Your mortgage term can affect interest rate and monthly payments.
This field is filled with the current average mortgage rate. Your real rate will vary based on credit score and down payment.
Homeowners association fees are monthly dues collected by homeowners associations from property owners. HOA fees are used to pay for amenities, property maintenance, and repairs.
This is part of the value of the real estate purchased on credit, which the borrower must pay independently to the seller of housing. The rest of the bank issues in the form of a mortgage loan. In the US the down payments vary between 4% and 20% of the price. The initial payment for at least 20% typically allows avoid paying mortgage insurance.
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Last updated: [August 7, 2023]
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